Mission Statement - Belmullet Senior National School

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Ráiteas Misin

Is áit chairdiúil, shona í Scoil Chroí Mhuire gan Smál ina bhfaigheann ár gcuid daltaí gach deis fás agus forbairt ó thaobh meabhrach, go fisiciúil, go sóisialta agus go spioradálta.

Tá an scoil suite sa Ghaeltacht. Mar gheall ar sin tá an Ghaeilge lárnach do gach rud a dhéanaimid. Cuirtear mórluach ar an ngaeilge a úsaid mar gnáth theanga na scoile.

Is í aidhm na scoile a bheith mar Ionad Barr Feabhais ó thaobh oideachais de le cúram ar leith a dhéanamh do gach dalta scoile.  Déanaimid gach iarracht láidreachtái gach dalta a thabhairt faoi deara sula bhfágann siad an scoil seo.

Is í aidhm na scoile ná tuiscint a thabhairt do gach dalta ar a bhféiniúlacht agus ar a bhfiúntas féin rud a chuideoidh go mór leo ó thaobh forbairt a gcumais chun saol níos fearr a bheith acu féin agus orthu siúd timpeall orthu.

Fáiltíonn an scoil roimh rannpháirtíocht tuismitheoirí agus spreagann muid tuismitheoirí fanacht i dteagmháil linn ó thaobh dul chun cinn agus forbairt a ngasúr.

Mission Statement

Scoil Chroí Mhuire gan Smál is a happy friendly place where our children are given every opportunity to develop and grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

The school is situated in the Gaeltacht. Therefore the Irish language is at the heart of everything we do.  We place great importance on using Irish as the everyday language of the school.

Our School aims to be a centre of academic excellence with concern for each and every pupil.  We strive to discover as many strengths of each pupil as we can before they leave our care.

Our School aims to instil in every pupil a great sense of their worth and uniqueness, thereby enabling them to develop their own potential to make the best possible life for themselves and others.

Our School welcomes parental involvement and we encourage parents to keep in constant touch with us regarding their child/rens progress and development.

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